Business Intelligence is used by companies all over the world to analyse performance, respond quickly to challenges, and save time on business reporting. Discover how power BI can provide finance teams with automated reporting in our latest webinar.

Event: FREE WEBINAR: Reduce time and unlock data insights of accountancy packages with BI
Date: This event has now passed
Location: Download below
Today many FDs are experiencing additional demands on their finance teams to support almost every department of their business with data insights.
As business leaders seek faster and better-informed decisions through trusted data, the expertise of business finance teams is under pressure to meet varying report objectives.
Users of accountancy packages are aware of the challenges this creates. From dealing with slow and generic reports to the time it takes to access, manually adjust, or build lengthy customised reporting – finance departments can be losing up to a week’s worth of resource utilisation per month.
Discover how Business Intelligence reporting will alleviate the pressure of manual report building with bespoke reporting that’s relevant to your business via automated analytics in our free webinar, ‘Reduce time and unlock data insights of accountancy packages with BI’
Join Business Intelligence expert and Head of BI at Air IT, Darren Turner, as he shares how power BI reporting will save time and resources with bespoke report building from your business datasets. Learn how to integrate additional datasets from your business systems into a single data point and instantly synchronise current data into easily customisable reporting.
With extensive knowledge of advanced analytics and reporting systems, Darren has worked with some of the world’s largest retailers to shape their business strategy, using data to provide an accurate and one view of business performance.
What you’ll learn…
- What is Business Intelligence?
- How to transform business data with interactive and up to date dashboards
- How to save time running key financial reports – by automating existing reporting
- Unlock insights from your current and historic data
- Find out how Air BI experts can help you to unlock insights from your accountancy packages
Who is this DOWNLOAD for?
This download is suitable for business owners, finance leaders, and those who are responsible for financial or data reporting within their workplace.
Please note: This download is exclusively for businesses. We reserve the right to refuse access. When registering, please ensure your email address is linked to your business name (same domain name), attendees using personal email addresses could be refused access to the session. By signing up for the download you agree for us to contact you with information regarding future events and any related services.